Wild ancestor of Helleborus niger (Christmas rose)
Wild ancestor of Helleborus niger (Christmas rose)
Although its common name often misleads people into thinking that Christmas roses are part of the Rosaceae (rose family), they actually belong to the Ranunculaceae (buttercup family), which also includes anemones (Anemone coronaria) and Asian buttercups (Ranunculus asiaticus).
As the name suggests, these plants produce charming flowers from winter to early spring, when there are few other blooms, adding color to solitary gardens that are often less bright.
If grown outdoors, these plants should be kept under careful control of summer dryness and sunlight. While hardy, they are slightly sensitive to heat.
Tips for growing
Ideally, grow the plant in partial or light shade. Avoid direct sunlight and choose a well-ventilated location.
Prepare well-drained soil. As acidic soil benefits the plant, add humus to improve the soil.
Keep the plant moist throughout the summer, watering at the base without splashing on the leaves.
Keep the plant in the shade, especially on hot days, to avoid dampness.
Cut back dead parts after flowering to encourage the growth of new buds.
In the language of flowers, hellebores mean “remembrance,” “forget-me-not,” “sympathy,” and “take away my anxiety.” These meanings likely derive from the plant’s roots, which have historically been used as a poison since the time of ancient Europe (the 8th century BC - the 8th century AD).
- Easy to Grow★★★★★
- Height at DeliveryAbout 15-25 cm
- Scientific NameHelleborus niger
- FamilyRanunculaceae
- Common NameThe wild ancestor of the Christmas rose
- Flower ColorWhite
- Flowering PeriodFebruary to March
- Sun ExposurePartial shade
- WaterDaily in abundance