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Agrimonia pilosa (Hairy agrimony, kin-mizuhiki)

¥1,200 (incl. tax)

Hairy agrimony is one of the plants that heralds the arrival of autumn.

Unlike mizuhiki (Persicaria filiformis) of the Polygonaceae family, or Asian jumpseed, kin-mizuhiki produces bright yellow flower spikes with hairy stems.

  • 育てやすさ★★★★★
  • お届け時の大きさ25~30cm程度
  • 学名Agrimonia pilosa var. viscidula
  • バラ科
  • 別名ヌストグサ・サシグサ
  • 花色 黄色
  • 花時期8~10月
  • 日照日向・日陰
  • 毎日たっぷり
When you purchase wildflowers, flower pots and moss are available as additional options.